Service and purchasing details

Contact a MoodHelper representative about purchasing this service for your members and patients.

Call 1-866-355-0037

Included Services


  • For the user

    One-year unlimited access to the MoodHelper website, which includes:

    • Education and tutorials
    • Email and text reminders to return to the website
    • Tracking tools to improve user mood and increase pleasurable activities
    • Feedback on how the user’s mood is changing over time
  • For institutional purchasers

    Aggregate reports of enrollment rates, average user visits to website, and clinical improvement


  • Telephone coaching to boost MoodHelper

    Three individual telephone sessions with a trained cognitive behavioral therapist that include:

    • Guided tour of the website, enhanced education, and customization
    • Unique and individual encouraging messaging between therapeutic sessions
    • Instructions on how to personalize the tools on the website
  • Outreach and promotion

    Assistance with marketing materials, informational sheets, electronic outreach, and/or direct calls to patients to maximize enrollment

  • Communication back to the clinician or provider

    Three depression health summary (PH-Q measure) reports sent to patients’ designated health-care providers showing depression symptoms at the time of signing up for MoodHelper, as well as tracking changes over time.

    This is only applicable for users who grant explicit permission and provide sufficient provider contact information.

Developed From Evidence-Based Research

  • MoodHelper was developed and tested by a team of researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research with initial funding from the National Institutes of Health.
  • Our studies show that when people use MoodHelper consistently, on average they have about 20% more improvement in their depression symptoms than people who don’t use the program.
  • We have found this benefit even when people are also getting traditional depression treatment such as taking medication or seeing a counselor.
  • We’ve found that MoodHelper works equally well for men and women, and for a variety of people from all walks of life.